| ******************************************* | * ZapTeX - Tim Tyler and Elliot Hughes * | *******************************************

mode_tex Tim Tyler's colouring mode for LaTeX files. For more details there is a help file available.

LATEX_ENVIRONMENT <string> (Elliott Hughes) This command allows you to insert an environment into your document with the minimum of typing. If it's executed without a string argument, it opens the minibuffer so that you can enter an environment name. Once it has a string, it inserts the text: �
� where [] represents the final position of the caret.

LATEX_FLAGSTOGGLE <word> (Tim Tyler) This has the same syntax as the WFORMAT_TOGGLE command. It ticks menu entries if it is attached to them.

LATEX_NEXTCHAPTER (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the next chapter. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_NEXTSECTION (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the next section. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_NEXTSUBSECTION (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the next subsection. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_PREVCHAPTER (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the previous chapter. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_PREVSECTION (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the previous section. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_PREVSUBSECTION (Elliott Hughes) Moves the caret to the the start of the previous subsection. This can be of use for quickly skipping through a large LaTeX document.

LATEX_QUOTE (Elliott Hughes) This command tries to insert the �correct� LaTeX-style quotes at the cursor. As you know, the quote character isn't much used by TeXperts. This command can be bound to the quote key in an alternative keymap and will do its best to type what you meant to type. If the character before the cursor is whitespace or an opening brace, `` will be inserted. If the character is a backslash, an ordinary quote will be inserted instead. Otherwise, '' is inserted.